Database Management System ACID Rules

ACID means Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability.

A: Atomicity:

One transaction being atomic meaning it either succeeds completely or fails completely. If any of the statements constituting a transaction fails to complete, the entire transaction fails and the database is left unchanged. This is guaranteed in all situation, even in power failure, crashes etc.

C: Consistency:

The DB data must be changed in allowed ways. The DB data must satisfy all defined rules (database constraints), including constraintscascadestriggers, and any combination thereof. This is not directly equals to data corruption? But only consider the defined rules as database constraints: including constraintscascadestriggers.

I: Isolation:

The DB data must be modified the same when multiple concurrent read/write transactions on it as if the transactions are sequencially executed. This can be implemented in different isolation ways:


The highest isolation level. It requires read and write locks (acquired on selected data) to be released at the end of the transaction. Also range-locks must be acquired when a SELECT query uses a ranged _WHERE_clause, especially to avoid the phantom reads phenomenon. Strong isolation guaranteed. We can assume the concurrent transaction as if it is executed sequentially.

Repeatable reads:

Similar to Serializable, but could have phantom reads and write screw phenomena.

  • Phantom Read:
    • Official explanation: A phantom read occurs when a transaction retrieves a set of rows twice and new rows are inserted into or removed from that set by another transaction that is committed in between.
    • Simpler explanation: When a transaction has begun, the SELECT results can still be affected by another transactions’ committed write. Therefore, two SELECTs queries in the same transaction can output different results given the execution of the SELECT, some other transactions had modified the data.
  • Write Screw:
    • If two write happens on the same column in the same table, resulting in the column having data that is a mix of the two transactions.

Read committed:

Not only have phantom reads, but also non-repeatable reads. This isolation level only keeps read locks before SELECT operation is finished. Meaning that it only guarantee that it won’t read uncommitted data. But if another transaction commited the data modification, this transaction would read the updated data after the transaction already starts.

  • Non-repeatable Reads: This is different to Phantom Read as the Phantom Read means the two SELECT operations in the same transaction could output different number of rows (as new data are inserted), but old data in-place modification could be isolated. While the Non-repeatable Reads means not only the returned row number, but the modified in-placed rows could also be different.

Read uncommitted:

The lowest isolation level. The read in transaction can read UNCOMMITTED data from other transaction, named dirty reads. What’s worse, the other transaction could rollback their transaction, which means the data dirty read from the SELECT may not be actually saved to the DB.

D: Durability:

Durability guarantees that once a transaction has been committed (returning success), it will remain committed even in the case of a system failure (e.g., power outage or crash).

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